Bootable seberapa penting

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Daftar alamat Bootable Rescue CD dari Kaspersky, BitDefender, AVG, Avira, F-Secure, VIPRE, Panda dan Dr.Web Antivirus. (GRATIS)

Seringkali kita menemukan diri kita dalam situasi yang sulit karena sistem operasi kita (Windows) tidak bisa loading/boot dengan cara biasanya, misalnya karena infeksi virus atau file sistem yang hilang, dll

Dalam kondisi demikian, Rescue CD menjadi sangat berguna. PC/laptop kalian masih bisa boot dengan rescue CD dan dapat memindai/scan sistem PC kalian, menghapus virus, copy/delete file, membuat/menghapus partisi dan banyak tugas sistem lainnya. Jadi sebuah Rescue CD adalah sebuah kemudahan bagi kita semua.

Banyak perusahaan/developer anti-virus yang menyediakan tool Rescue CD mereka dgn bebas biaya alias gratis. Jadi di sini saya coba berbagi alamat" Rescue CD yang dapat kalian download lalu 'bakar/burning" ke CD untuk digunakan sewaktu PCnya ngadat booting/loading.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk:

Kaspersky is one of the best anti-virus company and now its providing a rescue CD absolutely free which contains the latest Kaspersky anti-virus. So you can scan your system by booting your system using Kaspersky rescue CD.

Download Kaspersky Disk

BitDefender Rescue CD:

BitDefender is also a great anti-virus software. It also provides a free rescue CD which comes bundled with latest BitDefender anti-virus. The best thing in this rescue CD is, when you boot using this CD and connects to Internet, it can update the virus definition.

Download BitDefender Rescue CD

AVG Rescue CD:

AVG is one of the best FREE anti-virus and it also provides rescue CD. Its built on a Linux distribution platform and contains lots of useful system tools including anti-virus, midnight commander, simpler and several Linux tools like vi, openssh, ntfsprogs, etc.

Download AVG Rescue CD

Avira Rescue CD:

Avira is one of the best FREE anti-virus software and it also provides a free rescue CD. Its a Linux based CD which can help you in scanning your system for virus infection.

Download Avira Rescue CD (ISO)
Download Avira Rescue CD (EXE)

F-Secure Rescue CD:

Another Linux based Rescue CD which can help you to scan your system. It can also update the virus definition if an Internet connection is available otherwise you can manually update it using USB drives.

Download F-Secure Rescue CD

VIPRE Rescue CD:

The VIPRE Rescue Program is a command-line utility that will scan and clean an infected computer that is so infected that programs cannot be easily run.

The VIPRE Rescue Program is packaged into a self-extracting executable file (.exe) that prompts the user for an "unpack" or installation location, then starts the scanner and performs a deep scan. The user can start the program either by opening it via windows or from the command line.

Download VIPRE Rescue CD

Panda SafeCD:

Panda SafeCD comes in handy when you need to clean a friend's PC (or your own) from a malware infested state. It is specially useful for detecting and disinfecting malware infections which give regular AV products running within Windows a hard time.

Download Panda SafeCD

Dr.Web LiveCD:

If your Windows or Linux system has been rendered non-bootable by malware, restore it with Dr.Web LiveCD. Dr.Web LiveCD will clean your computer of infected and suspicious files, help you copy important information to a removable data storage device or another computer, and then attempt to cure infected objects.

Download Dr.Web LiveCD

Blog, Updated at: 21.23


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